Welcome to our class blog. Our blog will be used as a tool to keep you updated on what we are doing in our classroom through reflections of classroom experiences, celebrations, and classroom news. Students will have opportunities to complete fun activities from the Blog that relate back to classroom learning. Please check the blog weekly as I will be using it to update you on classroom information as well!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Coming to another end!

The semester is flying by! We had a successful week of CBA testing and we are all looking forward to getting back to normal classroom work next week!

- Ms. Pair has already gone shopping for the holiday party. The money was due on Friday.
- The party will be Thursday at 1:30. Please come early and stay late to help with set up and clean up! If you signed up to volunteer I will contact you next week!
- CHElebrations are Thursday from 9-10am. It is come and go. Please come to see the hard work your child has accomplished this year!
- We will go to the Holiday Store Monday at 1pm to purchase gifts. Please send money with your child if you would like for them to buy any of the products.

- Research about your planet you have researched in class or another object in space that is interesting to you. Post on the blog 2 things you learned and 2 questions you have about the object in space you researched.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Blog Bonus

Study about a planet at home. Write a simile or a metaphor about the planet that you study about. Remember that a simile compares two unlike objects using like or as.  A metaphor compares 2 unlike objects. Post it on the the blog or bring it in on Monday.

Parents, please remember that our party money ($5) is due next Friday.

Next week we will be having testing on Tuesday- Friday. Please make sure your child is here and on time!