Welcome to our class blog. Our blog will be used as a tool to keep you updated on what we are doing in our classroom through reflections of classroom experiences, celebrations, and classroom news. Students will have opportunities to complete fun activities from the Blog that relate back to classroom learning. Please check the blog weekly as I will be using it to update you on classroom information as well!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Here are some pictures from our popsicle party on Monday. We had a lot of fun enjoying our sweet treats and time together to relax before STAAR testing!
Enjoying our popsicle party!

Having a good time!

Our next unit deals with animals and their adaptations and traits. Your BLOG BONUS is to research your favorite wild animal. You can bring in the information or post the information. You need to find:
1. The ecosystem the animal lives in
2. How big the animal gets.
3. How does it attack prey or hide from predators.
4. One interesting fact.
**Remember you can use the research information on the Caldwell Heights Library page on the CHE homepage to help you find the information!

Good luck on International Night! I will be thinking about you guys!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

The STAARS are.....

Ms. Pair's Class!! We earned a Popsicle party Monday for everyone passing their last independent reading relay!! I am so proud of everyones VERY hard work!!

We have brainstormed a list of activities that we could do to take our minds off of STAAR testing next Tuesday and Wednesday. Some of the ideas that we have to have a nice, relaxing weekend are:
- Go swimming
- Go to a friends house
- Play a video game
- Go ride your bike
- Have a water gun fight
- Spend time with family
- Sleep in!!
- Relax by watching TV
- Go to a place like Main Event to have fun
- Go to the movies or watch a movie
- Go to the park
- Go on a hike or go to the lake
- camp out
- Play spies or pirates outside
- Ride on a boat

Just a reminder that STAAR testing is Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure your child gets to school on time!! NO backpacks and NO snacks or water. Snack and water will be provided.

We have earned a Reading Campout Thursday after STAAR testing. Please wear your PJs to school. You can bring sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, flashlights, books, and games. We will be doing science, reading and playing games together to celebrate all of our hard work this year!

BLOG BONUS!!! Do an activity off of the list or another one that you would enjoy. Post a note on the blog explaining what you did and why you enjoyed it!! Rest up!!

Friday, April 13, 2012


We are so thrilled to celebrate our big win! Our whole class is wearing crowns this week to celebrate everyone passing an independent reading relay passage!!

     In reading we have been reviewing all of the reading skills that we have learned this year. We have been focusing on main idea, fact and opinion, summary, sequencing, and others. We have learned that when summarizing expository text that it is best to use a main idea web.
     We will continue to review our reading skills and having our Reading Relay to prepare for the STAAR.

     We have been writing persuasive letters. We have learned that in order to persuade someone you must be knowledgeable about the topic. We all picked a topic to research to persuade someone about. Be looking for those letters to come home :).

     In math we have been learning about and reviewing different types of problem solving questions. We have learned about working backwards, logic, and range. We learned that when solving a range problem it is a good strategy to use a three part t chart.
     We have also been reviewing all of the math concepts that we have learned this year. This week we reviewed fractions, geometry, volume, capacity, linear measurement, weight, and place value. We will finish reviewing skills for the STAAR test next week. We are genius level mathematicians.

     We were able to eat lunch in the courtyard this week for passing our independent relay. This week if we have the same results we will be having a popsicle party in the courtyard. The courtyard has been revamped recently and decorated. It is a fabulous experience to sit out there and enjoy our time together.
     We are working to earn a reward for the Thursday after STAAR testing. We are uncovering the letters as we earn compliments. We still are unsure of what it exactly is!!!!!!

Blog Bonus!!
In the upcoming weeks we are going to be learning about animals and plants and their traits and adaptations. These activities will help you build your background knowledge for what we are about to learn.

1. GO to the science website that you have visited for other Blog Bonuses:http://roundrockisd.stemscopes.com/login

2. Log in
User name: pair3
Password: pair3

3. Click on the link to open

4. Complete the Web Surfing Science or the Interactive Simulation Investigation. You can listen to the Science Rock song for fun!

- If you choose to do the Web Surfing Science- turn that in for your bonus.
- If you choose the Interactive Simulation Investigation you will need to turn in or post
3 things you learned, 2 questions you have, 1 connection you had to the information