Welcome to our class blog. Our blog will be used as a tool to keep you updated on what we are doing in our classroom through reflections of classroom experiences, celebrations, and classroom news. Students will have opportunities to complete fun activities from the Blog that relate back to classroom learning. Please check the blog weekly as I will be using it to update you on classroom information as well!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Coming to the end of our first unit!

Blog Bonus:

1. Follow the directions below to get to the correct website. You will be using the PBS website that you looked at with Ms. Gardner for your last library lesson on advertisements.

2. After following the directions explore the website, play the advertisement games, etc.

3. To complete the BLOG BONUS you must post on the blog one thing that you learned from exploring the PBS website!

1. Go the the CHE Library Website and click the like that is second under the picture. The link says Library Links and Calendar.

Click the link that the arrow is pointing to. The link says Links For Students.

Scroll down until you get close to the bottom of the page. You will click the link that the arrow is pointing to. The name of the link is 3rd Grade Media Literacy.