Welcome to our class blog. Our blog will be used as a tool to keep you updated on what we are doing in our classroom through reflections of classroom experiences, celebrations, and classroom news. Students will have opportunities to complete fun activities from the Blog that relate back to classroom learning. Please check the blog weekly as I will be using it to update you on classroom information as well!

Friday, January 25, 2013


We have been working very hard in class on our fourth unit. We have had a blast learning about different earth forces. We have discussed how they affect communities and environments, how they affect the land, and what we can do to stay safe if we encounter one of them!

We have also been working hard on geometry! We have had so much fun investigating solids and polygons!

Your blog bonus is to bring in a real life example of a solid that we have talked about in class to be displayed in the classroom. For example (you can't do this one!) I might bring a party hat for cone!

Thank you to those who came to science night, it was a blast!!