Welcome to our class blog. Our blog will be used as a tool to keep you updated on what we are doing in our classroom through reflections of classroom experiences, celebrations, and classroom news. Students will have opportunities to complete fun activities from the Blog that relate back to classroom learning. Please check the blog weekly as I will be using it to update you on classroom information as well!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Reflections on the year

Today we talked as a class about what we would want to change about our third grade year or what would we have done differently. Here are some of the reflections from our class:

1. Do more activities in multiplication and division because it is fun and you get to learn.
2. Learn more in cursive so that I will be better in fourth and fifth grade.
3. Do more book clubs because I like the activities I get to do in book clubs.
4. I would change problem solving because it got easier as the year went on because I want to be better at it.
5. I would change my attitude, sometimes I am grouchy and tired. A positive attitude would be better because I know I would have a good day.  A bad attitude will be a bad day.
6. I would make more challenges/goals for myself like reading more (finishing more books) because I want to be a better learner.
7. I would change my behavior so my parents would be proud of me.
8. I would have one folder for every unit so we can really experience it.
9. I would like to use more computers to study and research so I can be more knowledgeable.
10. I would want to use more technology because  it will teach you more because you get to do different things.
11. Start cursive earlier in the year so we can learn the whole alphabet.
12. Do more experiments on science because we focused more on math and reading and I wished we did more science experiments.
13. Study more influential/important people in history in Social Studies.
14. Do more math computer games because if we do the games we would have more knowledge about math.
15. I would change my behavior so I could do better in school.

Blog Bonus!!
I am going to miss you so much over the summer! What will you miss about your third grade year? Post it to the blog or bring in a note!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Our last week together!

Last week Lucas Miller came to sing with us about animals, their ecosystems, food chains and adaptations. He sang some informative, funny songs and we really enjoyed his visit to our school! Here are some pictures from the assembly. You can visit his website at http://www.lucasmiller.net/.

Getting ready to sing about wet lands!

Learning about a sharks food chain and then singing along!

Enjoying our last couple of days!

Really focusing and listening!

Today I posed this question to the class:
When you were coming into 3rd grade what is something you wish you knew then that you didn't know? What would have made third grade easier for you?
We brainstormed what we thought and here were our responses:
1. Adrian- Don't pick up rocks on the playground
2. Darrion- Do not fight
3. Wesley- Do your homework everyday because otherwise you will be in study hall.
4. Halle- How to show strategies for dividing.
5. Maddie C- Know your multiplication facts
6. Adam- Focus on your work so it is done on time.
7. Emily F-Do not do sloppy work or you will do it again!
8. Miguel- Check your work in writing so that other people can read it.
9. Maddie M- Always have a positive attitude.
10. Quynh- How to write in cursive
11. Paloma- Follow expectations or you will move your card.
12. Karan- How to find perimeter and area
13. Stephan- Play when it is appropriate so you do not get in trouble.
14. Brandon- Do not be late for school
15. Jayden- The nines trick with your hands for multiplication
16. Emily HT- In assemblies make sure you sit on your bottom so other people can see.
17. Leena- Do not move your card- be good.

My question to my soon to be fourth graders is...
What do you want to know about fourth grade? What are you curious about for next year? (Expectations, homework, tips, etc)

Monday, May 14, 2012

The last few weeks...

We have been pretty busy since STAAR ended. We started a new unit which is Who We Are. Our new unit's central idea is "Like all organisms, humans go through changes in their lives for a variety of reasons". We looked at some pictures of Ms. Pair to start our unit off and we talked about our own inherited traits. Last week we focused on plant and animal inherited traits. We learned that they come from a parent and are passed to an offspring.

We are also doing an animal research project based off of animals that we are interested in and their traits and adaptations.

In math we have been reviewing our facts. We started doing a five minute frenzy this week to work on computational fluency for next year. We are excited to set goals and see how many facts we can answer in 5 minutes!

In reading we are working in book clubs to read different books from The Time Warp Trio series. We are really interested in periods of history and the books are definitely keeping us engaged!

A few reminders for the next TWO WEEKS!!
1. Please return the party note as soon as possible. Please sign up to bring desserts for the party if you would like and send any donations of decoration supplies for end of year memory books.
2. Field day is Friday. There is a note that went home today with specifics of what to wear, bring, etc.
3. Last awards assembly will be May 24 at 8am in the cafeteria!

There are 2 different choices for a bonus this week. It will be due on Wednesday to allow for more time to compelte the assignment:

1. Bring in a picture of yourself when you were younger. List on another piece of paper or on the back of the picture what traits you inherited from your parents. Make sure to list at least 5 inherited tratis.

2. Make a set of multiplication flash cards for your facts 0-5. Make flash cards up until the tenth multiple. Record the number setence on one side of the card and the product on the opposite side of the card